
AI X2450 2022-

There are types of tumors that might grow in a human body, Malignant and Benign. Malignant are cancerous and have the potential to spread to nearby organs, glands, and tissue. And It may be fatal to have these kind of tumors. While in the other hand, Non-cancerous benign tumors provide little to no risk in our life. Due to their limited nature, they usually don't spread to other bodily areas or impact nearby tissue. Treatment is not often necessary for benign tumors.

This artificial intelligence will identify if a tumor is Malignant or Benign with 90 percent accuracy which means it can corretly classify tumors. I trained this Machine Learning Algorithm using a real Dataset with data from actual tumors. I implemented Neural Network and used different Libraries like TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn to this Model. If you wanna know the exact details about this Machine Learning Algorithm you can check the link of a blog I wrote below.

Media coverage

Malignant or Benign
Malignant or Benign
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